Clinical Supervision


There are no managers or direct supervisors in therapy, therefore it is a fundamentally private endeavor. Instead, clinical supervision is used to develop the skills of trainee therapists and therapists seeking further insight from colleagues.

A trainee practitioner meets with a more experienced provider for clinical supervision to discuss cases, treatment techniques, and other essential subjects. Working with distressed people on a daily basis can be draining, therefore clinical supervision typically entails teaching therapists how to compartmentalize their own emotions and practice greater self-care. The amount of supervision required varies depending on the therapist’s degree and licensure. Supervision usually takes a year or more to complete. Licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs) must, for example, undergo at least 3,000 hours of clinical supervision in most jurisdictions.


The practice of therapy is both an art and a science. While essential scientific ideas can be learned in school, the art of therapy can be difficult to master. How will you handle a client who is weeping profusely and unable to stop? What will you do if a client refuses to speak to you or only wants to talk about you? How can you tell whether you’re making improvement in therapy? How can you keep your personal biases and emotions from interfering with your therapy? These are tough questions with even tougher solutions. Clinical supervision will help you deal with these and other challenges. Therapists have an ethical obligation to defend their clients’ best interests while providing high-quality care. When you’re learning, this can be difficult. Clinical supervision makes it possible.

Continuous feedback from someone with more experience and competence is provided by supervision. You’ll get immediate feedback on real-world therapeutic challenges, rather than relying on nebulous ideas from a textbook or classroom. Your supervisor can also offer insight into your unique style as well as advice on how to improve your skills and adjust your style to the diverse needs of different clients.


Good supervisors assist their supervisees in becoming ethical and competent therapists. This implies they should be prepared to offer advice on ethical difficulties, such as when to break confidentiality for a potentially hazardous or suicidal individual.

Clinical supervision comes with its own set of ethical issues. Client privacy is one of the issues that needs to be addressed. Clinical supervision is often exempt from HIPAA and other privacy rules, allowing therapists to discuss therapy with supervisors. Therapists, on the other hand, should inform their clients that they are under training and that they will be reviewing their therapy with their supervisors.

This should be made known by therapists who are no longer in training yet consult with other therapists concerning therapy. They should also implement methods to reduce the risk.

They might, for example, discuss a patient under a pseudonym or avoid sending treatment notes and other treatment-related messages over unprotected channels.

Supervisors may be held liable for trainees’ actions in some situations, therefore it’s critical for both parties to establish the relationship’s responsibilities and be transparent with the client about the function of supervision. Supervisors must also have sufficient experience to assist trainees in dealing with difficult situations.

Dr. Rizi provides true passion and understanding to helping you work successfully with your clients, with 9 years of experience in the therapy area, the past four as a fully certified and independently practicing psychotherapist (LCSW). To discuss your supervision needs, please contact Dr. Rizi using the contact form or visiting the contact link and be sure to write “Clinical Supervision” beside your name in the form.


To contact Rizi, please fill out the form or call 323-247-8499. Thank you.

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