How Rizi Timane Is Serving The LGBTQ+ Community

Individuals from the LGBTQ community around the globe go through innumerable difficulties. From their educational to professional life, they strongly face various discriminating aspects. For instance, they have been discriminated against by doctors and have been left without any medical treatment in many cases. Some have lost jobs and been denied employment, education, and other facilities as well and these are only a few of the problems that they face.
Rizi Timane is a superhero to many of these people. He has served the LGBTQ+ community in such a dismal scenario and his services have made many people feel protected and cared for.
Let’s have a look at some of his notable work that has earned him huge respect.
What does Rizi Timane do?
The psychotherapist runs his own private clinic; he provides friendly therapy to LGBTQ+ patients. Moreover, Rizi is a successful consultant, who specializes in trans diversity training for hospitals, schools, and government institutions, including the US Census Bureau.
Rizi Timane’s Services For LGBTQ+ Community
Rizi Timane is one of the most prominent trans men. He has played a major role in assisting the LGBTQ+ community. In 2018, he raised his voice for the people belonging to this community by delivering a speech at the United Nations Global Summit on trans rights. Over 40 national and international LGBTQ venues have heard his opinion, involving churches, and LGBTQ+ pride festivals.
Perpetual interactions with the trans adults who desired to have gender confirming surgery, and whose funds were an obstacle for them to get it done led Timane to the launch of his transgender surgery grant which provides capital assistance for gender confirmation surgery. This grant has been entirely sponsored by Rizi’s personal income since its establishment in 2012
Furthermore, Timane has been a trans minister, a reliable LGBTQ psychotherapist at the Los
Angeles LGBT Center, and the Associate Director of the nation’s biggest transgender health program at St. John’s Well Child and Family Clinic in Downtown Los Angeles. His fundamental aim during all these impressive works was to take out LGBTQ+ Community from the dark well of suffering and to protect their future from this discrimination.
In addition to Rizi’s huge place in the hearts of the people of the LGBTQ+ Community, he has received notable awards and features in popular magazines. Councilman Mitch Ofarrell presented him with the Transgender Visibility Award in 2019 for his work as a psychotherapist and champion for the LGBTQ+ community. Plus, his transgender surgery award got noticed, and he was named a Trailblazer in Time magazine in 2020 for his effort with the trans community. He’s also appeared on Forbes, CNN, NBC, and Fox.
Rizi Timane has been emphatically working towards the solution of the problems that have been faced by the LGBTQ+ Community. His whole life has been spent figuring out the problems and eradicating them; undoubtedly, his work towards positive change has made a significant difference in the condition of the LGBTQ+ community around the world!